no gain

美 [noʊ ɡeɪn]英 [nəʊ ɡeɪn]
  • 网络没有收获;不劳则无获;不劳无获;不劳不获;没有付出就不会有收获
no gainno gain
  1. It comes at a pretty high price , with almost no gain , " Salem said .


  2. No gain without pains .


  3. It only proves that there 's no gain without pain .


  4. If you feel too much pain , there will be no gain .


  5. But , though no gain to the world , it was a gain to greece .


  6. Vain glory will flower , but it will produce no gain .


  7. No gain is too slight to bother with .


  8. This would result in a high number of cache invalidations and hence there would be no gain in performance .


  9. and when , after much loss on both sides and no gain on either , you cease fighting ,


  10. If prices reflect all information , then there is no gain from going to the trouble of gathering it , so no one will .


  11. I always believe that God rewards the diligent , have you sow , there will be no gain .


  12. The consequence of this was four hours sleep and on the road again next morning but there 's no gain without a bit less sleep !


  13. Notice that no gain or loss is recognized on treasury stock transactions , even when the shares are reissued at a price above or below cost .


  14. But a wise man , reside humble room but amuse oneself , have no gain and loss but from joy , they cherish oneself to own of everything .


  15. Gain properties at both homogeneous and inhomogeneous injection are discussed , which shows that there is no gain saturation effect at lower output power , and the difference of the gain is not so distinct ;


  16. The issue is not that there 's no gain from appreciation . It 's that an aggressive American approach seems unlikely to generate appreciation over and above the current rate at an acceptable cost .


  17. Mother , it is no gain , thy bondage of finery , if it keeps one shut off from the healthful dust of the earth , if it rob one of the right of entrance to the great fair of common human life .


  18. One of his favourite sayings was , tuk min chamnen , dak chenh ka , min kat - " to keep you is no gain , to kill you no loss . " Thousands died before Pol Pot fled in 1979 and the terror ended . It took another decade for cultural life to recover .


  19. There is here no net gain to industry as a whole .


  20. Researchers found there was no extra gain in speaking more than two languages .


  21. Observers no longer gain full Player UI when entering a loaded game .


  22. Our users trust Google 's objectivity and no short-term gain could ever justify breaching that trust .


  23. Barbarians can no longer gain the archer discipline .


  24. Conclusions Clozapine treatment may cause abnormal blood-lipid level and then myocardial damage , but no weight gain in short term .


  25. Work hard in spite of criticism the member of committee work of the class life , from personal no object gain and loss .


  26. But she can no longer gain jobs posing in clothes aimed at her age group because she looks too young .


  27. Higher education as non-profit organization with no apparent gain or loss , measured by its level of development reached in its mission or not .


  28. Without a successful round , some US farm programmes might be vulnerable to litigation in the WTO with no offsetting gain .


  29. The reason he gave for not recusing himself was that there was no financial gain for him in making his decision .


  30. And the last " official " stocks of live virus bred mistrust of the US and Russia , for no obvious gain .
